How to take care of Noreo silk.

You may have questions, such as:

How do I wash silk at home? 

Can I put it in the dryer? 

Can I put it in the washing machine?

Here, we are prepared to answer all of your questions and share the tips and tricks on how to take care of silk.

Safety precautions: 

- Check the tag for care instructiosn

- Wash different colors separately

- Use a neutral or silk detergent

- Iron only on the cool setting

- Don’t use whitening cleaners

- Avoid direct sunlight

- Don’t put in the dryer

- Keep clear of animals and sharp objects

How to hand wash silk?

Hand washing is the best and safest way to take care of your silk and preserve it’s quality as well as beauty.

Prepare a tub of lukewarm water

Fill a tub with lukewarm water (around 30°C is best). That is the ideal temperature for silk.

Pour in your detergent

Galite naudoti specialiai šilkui skirtus skalbiklius. Skalbikliai vilnai, taip pat, tinkami skalbimui.

Let the silk soak for a few minutes

Submerge the silk in the detergent water and leave it in for at least 3 minutes.

Carefully wash the silk with your hands

Carefully wash the silk with your hands, raising it out of the water and submerging a few times. This way you’ll carefully get rid of the dirt.

Rinse out the silk

Take the silk out of the detergent water and rinse it with 30°C fresh water until completely clean.

Use a towel for drying

Use a clean towel to remove the water from the silk.

IMPORTANT: do not rub the silk with the towel.

Air dry

After you dry it with the towel as well as possible, hang it up to air dry.

IMPORTANT: avoid direct sunlight.

How to wash silk in the washing machine?

For those that do not have the time or the equipment, the washing machine is the best solution.

IMPORTANT: this way has more risks in damaging the silk product.

Check the care tag on the product

Before starting, check your products tag and see if it can be washed in the washing machine. Some silk products can loose their color or get ruined.

Match your colors

Do not mix colors. Wash different color materials separately.

Use a protective bag.

Turn out the silk product in to the other side and put it into a protective lingerie bag. This way, you lessen the risks of the product getting ruined.

Use a silk designed detergent

It’s important to use detergents that are made specifically for silk. Check the quantity requirements for the product as well.

Start the washing machine

We recommend using the lowest setting on the washing machine (some washing machines have a setting specifically for silk).

The temperature must be 30°C.

Turn down the spin cycle

A powerful spin cycle can be dangerous for silk products and damage the material.

Use a towel for drying

Use a clean towel to remove the water from the silk.

IMPORTANT: do not rub the silk with the towel.

Air dry

After you dry it with the towel as well as possible, hang it up to air dry.

IMPORTANT: avoid direct sunlight.